HYKE is two today!
Here's why we think our sustainably made gin is worth celebrating.
Two years ago today, we launched HYKE Gin. Why 18 March? It’s Global Recycling Day, and HYKE is made with a base spirit distilled from grapes surplus to supermarkets’ requirements. We’re proud to say that so far, we’ve kept over 5,283,486 million or 56,207 punnets from going to waste.
HYKE is part of a big sustainability picture too. By utilising the surplus grapes from one of Tesco’s biggest fruit importers Richard Hochfeld Ltd, it's playing a role in helping the retailer half food waste with its supply chain by 2030 in line with UN Sustainable Development Goals; showing that great things can happen when big business and small producers work together.
But, HYKE wouldn’t be anything without the support of our customers. Thanks to you, in just two years, we’ve been able to produce enough HYKE to make almost 1.6 million banging G&TS. Well, 1,577,160 if you want to be precise! As well as enjoying a superlative, multi-award-winning gin, you’ve been supporting our more sustainable, circular way of making it.
What next for HYKE? More of the same (in a good way). More proving how, in our hands, surplus produce can make finer spirits than specially-grown, one-purpose materials. More reducing waste, thinking circular; more changing attitudes, defying convention. Plus, one amazing new thing. More to follow....
Here’s to doing great things - together. Cheers!